Fauna expands its flagship show Kukuli to Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia securing broadcast deal with Hayatovci.

The popular show (52×7’) teaching daily hacks through songs and fun stories expands its footprint with broadcaster Hayatovci to Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia which will premiere in April 2022.
Previously acquired by Spacetoon, from India to Mexico and UAE to Vietnam, Kukuli reaches 72 countries in total with 16 different dubbed languages. Amassing more than 1 billion views and 4 million subscribers on Youtube, the established brand continues its global expansion.
Starring a hyperactive monkey, Kukuli, and its two best friends Tinky and Minky, the edutainment series teaches daily life hacks to preschoolers.
Following Kukuli’s national success in Turkey and its global expansion, Fauna greenlit third season of the show (26 x7’).