Licensing Industry Hits Vegas for F.U.N.

Friendly Unofficial Networking (F.U.N.) launched its first stand-alone Licensing Executive In-Person Networking event in Las Vegas, Nevada, on August 8, 2021, at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.
Over 80 licensing, marketing and branding executives from various studios, video game companies, retailers, toy companies, apparel manufacturers, agents, and service providers attended two days of casual networking. Sunday, August 8, featured an informal drop-in day at a Mandalay Bay Beach Bungalow hosted by Dimensional Worldwide and DCE Agency, followed by the Opening Night Party in The Foundation Room at the top of the Mandalay Bay hotel. Monday morning began with a sold-out breakfast buffet at Border Grill hosted by Women in Toys, Entertainment and Licensing, followed by three hours of meetings and networking sessions at the Ri Ra Restaurant where featured speakers shared insights and valuable information about relevant licensing topics. Attendees were able to renew their connections, make new connections and help foster potential opportunities in a face-to-face environment. Venue/food/drink sponsors for the Monday meetings included Dependable Solutions, gooten, and Hinge Global. Monday afternoon, a party bus full of licensing executives headed over to Area15 to spend some time exploring Omega Mart, the experiential installation from Meow Wolf. Later that night, Brainbase hosted dinner, drinks and roof top golf in a private suite at Top Golf. The day concluded with after-dinner drinks at Eye Candy, the industry’s favorite cocktail lounge on the Mandalay Bay casino floor.
Here is what some of the attendees had to say:
• The Licensing Executive In-Person Networking event was exactly what our industry desperately needed after 18 plus months of impersonal communication. It rejuvenated networking and brought new ideas to the forefront. – David Levich, Sun-Staches
• The insights I received from this event will be shaping our client strategies going forward. – Morgan Ward, Licensing Director, Dimensional Branding Group
• It was great to see everyone in person, whether it was friends, acquaintances, business partners, and new connections after nearly 2 years. – Adam Sokoloff, Vice President of Retail, NA, Global Merchandising Services
• What I loved was not only the time we had at the meeting/networking sessions, but all of the activities we got to do together. – Janice Ross, Managing Partner, Brand Fresh Management
• In these tough times, the licensing community has come together to explore new opportunities and share information like never before. This event proved that we are in this together. – Mandy Bardisbanian, VP of Licensing & Merchandising, Legion M Entertainment
• One of the most organic and relevant licensing events I’ve ever attended. I hope this is the first of many events of its kind. – Will Thompson, Vice President CHANGES
Marc Mostman, president of Most Management LLC, is a 25 year licensing industry veteran with an extensive network of industry contacts. F.U.N. was launched 6 years ago by Mostman as a way to provide unofficial networking events that coincide with other trade shows. Keep your eyes peeled for the next F.U.N. event coming to Los Angeles in September.