Brands & Retail UK conference 22 – A New Screening Event for the Licensing and Retail industry

We caught up with Ryan Beaird on his exciting pitching conference to be held at the British Library, what it means for the industry and how you can be involved.
Q. What is the Brands & Retail UK Pitch Smarter Conference?
I have been running events for over seven years now and I predict most of the licensing industry would have come to one I have organised.
So to get everyone in licensing excited I am delighted to announce a brand-new UK licensing and Retail event to add to the calendar for 2022 – ‘The Brands & Retail UK Pitch Smarter Conference 22’ – a back-to-back screening and pitching event made up of about twenty IP owners from Character and Entertainment brands showcasing new content to the audience – which will be made up of Licensees and Retail Buyers who will be invited for free.
Q. So it focuses on Screenings & Pitches of new content and IP’s?
Getting the whole industry together before the toy fair season kicks in just made sense and I could see there was a fragmentation to screenings in the UK, something licensees and retailers would often mention to me.
It just made sense to me for everyone to be in a room together and see what is being launched by the entertainment brands for the up-coming year. Also by holding it right at the start of the year the licensing industry will now fit with the retail buying calendar.
Although I am leaving it up to the brands to showcase what they want – be it something that is working well in the market already and they want to update their partners on – to something no one has seen before like the next Peppa Pig, Hey Duggee or Bob the Builder.
I started to do research and everyone I spoke to all on all sides of the licensing fence agreed we desperately needed one in the UK. Everyone together for one day.
Q. Where is it being held?
The British Library will be hosting us which is the perfect location, with its’ huge theatre, large enough for 250 Retail buyers and Licensees to sit in comfort and watch presentations on the big screen. Also the location of the British Library is in-between London Euston and Kings Cross St Pancras so easy to get into from the midlands and the north by train.
To make the audience happy as well I am delighted to add – Retail Buyers and Licensees / UK Manufactures can attend for FREE…. Yes… Free.
Teas, coffee breaks, sandwiches for lunch and drinks at the end of the day will be included.
The event is only open to licensees and retail buyers and if a brand does need the audience to sign an NDA before they showcase new content that’s not a problem and can be organised with ease. We are all used to that in the industry anyway.
Q. Who will be pitching?
I’m looking forward to announcing the first signed up global character and entertainment brands / networks that will take to the stage and show the audience their exciting new IP’s very soon. Also my aim is to bring in new UK animation studios to take the plunge and give licensing a go. Something most know I’ve tried to do for years with my connections in the animation industry.
Q. Any more details you can share?
Yes – I am also planning a special Q&A panel session for the end of the day which should be informative, and… to top it off I am also about to announce details of a very special VIP party straight after the conference from 6pm till late.
100 tickets will go on sale for those coming to the event and the cost will be £75 a ticket to attend, drinks and canapes included.
I’ll save the glamorous location a secret for now but yes… karaoke will be involved. I’ve always been impressed with the quality of vocal talent in the industry.
Q. How do people sign up to showcase their IPs and register to attend?
If you are in the character and entertainment sector of the licensing industry and wish to book a slot please do contact me to discuss. I have 20 spaces and they are now starting to get snapped up before it has been announced.
So Retail Buyers and Licensees put the 20th January 2022 from 9am till 5pm / 6pm in your diaries – and for the more adventurous of you pencil in 6pm till late in your diaries for the event party… and make a note of what songs you want to sing as well.
More details coming very soon through yourselves at Total Licensing which I am delighted you are the media partners of the conference.
For more details please contact Ryan.Beaird@BrandsRetail.uk – website www.BrandsRetail.uk