A letter from Total Licensing, to our clients, partners and friends, regarding our summer issue and more

We wanted to be in touch, during these uncertain and unprecedented times, to let you know we at Total Licensing are working hard to make sure your business and property can still stand out, to ensure that the licensing industry continues to thrive, even when it seems the world might be on lockdown!
We can all work around this global crisis together – so our next issue (more below) will have the widest digital distribution in the company’s history, and we will be increasing our printed offering so that even if you, yourself, cannot get in front of the people you need to see, we will make sure that all the key people in the industry, including retailers, manufacturers and others around the world – see all relevant business opportunities.
As you are of course aware, many of the upcoming trade events in the industry have been cancelled or postponed – so we have changed our publishing schedule accordingly.
next issue – Summer 2020 – has new deadlines and a new date of
publishing, to reflect, in part, the new date of Licensing Expo in Las
Vegas of August 11-13, where the magazine will have wide distribution.
The amended editorial deadline will be 25 June, advertising material deadline
2 July, with a publishing date of 23 July.
In addition to this, we want to make you aware of the wide digital offering that Total Licensing can bring to you – not just through our publications but through our new website, www.totallicensing.com, sending information to our vast list of subscribers and our popular social media platforms. Competitive advertising rates to suit all budgets are available.
We all need to support each other in the licensing industry, and especially now.
Please see the list of key features below, and the list of contacts to discuss editorial, advertising and any further ideas you may have.
Wishing you good health,
The Total Licensing team
Key Features in Summer 2020:
– Licensing Expo Preview
– Licensing Support Software Providers
– Prequels, Sequels and Reimagined Properties
– The Impact of Esports Licensing
– Licensing Classic Characters
– How to Help Your Business Weather any Storm
– Territory spotlights on USA, Latin America and South Korea
Editorial – francesca@totallicensing.com / becky@totallicensing.com
Advertising – jerry@totallicensing.com / joanna@totallicensing.com
And to take a look at our most recent issue, Spring 2020: