Messe Frankfurt’s rescheduled Toy & Edu China, Baby & Stroller China and Licensing China fairs will now take place from 6 – 8 August 2020 in the southern city of Shenzhen. Originally scheduled to be held in March, the three fairs were postponed earlier in the year due to the coronavirus outbreak. They will take place in the brand-new Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center.
“It is with great pleasure that we announce the fairs will be going ahead in August given the difficulties these industries have had to encounter over the last months,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd commented. “We have been in constant communication with our exhibitors during this time, and have been doing what we can to assist them to connect with buyers, but nothing can replace the business opportunities and personal interactions that a trade fair can offer.”
“The feedback we’ve received from our stakeholders is that August is the best time for the fairs’ resumption in terms of when domestic demand is expected to rebound. It is our hope that the fairs’ return – and taking place for the first time in Shenzhen, at a brand-new, world-class venue, and with the addition of the Licensing China fair this year – will give a much needed boost to these industries so they can finish the year on a positive note,” Ms Wen concluded.
Mr Li Zhuoming, President of the Guangdong Toy Association continued: “The feedback we’ve received from domestic enterprises is highly positive about the return of the fairs and the August date. We are confident that consumer demand will be stronger by then, and buyers will be looking to source new products given the absence of fairs in the industry since the start of the year. 2020 has presented many challenges for everyone, but we believe these fairs will be a chance for the industry to come together and look for ways to cooperate so we can move forward collectively.”
Precautionary measures to be implemented onsite
The Chinese government is eager for trade fairs to resume in a safe manner as soon as possible, and as such, the Shenzhen health authorities have issued a comprehensive set of guidelines on how to achieve this. To ensure the health and wellbeing of all participants at the fairs, these measures will be stringently adhered to by the fair organisers and venue owners. This includes frequent sanitisation of the fairground facilities, enhanced ventilation of the venue, guidelines for the spacing of tables inside booths, temperature checks for all those entering the fairground and more. Participants will be able to find more details of these measures on the fairs’ websites in due course.
Enhanced pre-fair promotion available for exhibitors
Exhibitors of the three fairs are being offered extra opportunities this year to connect with potential buyers before the fair. This includes online and social media promotion, webinars and online conferences, as well as a revamped Business Matching Programme which allows the more than 1,500 registered users to do business with their counterparts from around the world. Buyers can connect with the fairs’ exhibitors through this system by first registering as a visitor for their selected fair here: https://toybaby.hk.messefrankfurt.com/china/en.html.
The Toy & Edu China, Baby & Stroller China and Licensing China fairs will be held in Shenzhen for the first time this year – relocating from their previous home of Guangzhou – in the brand-new Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center. Licensing China is a new addition to the portfolio of shows for 2020.
The three fairs are organised by the Guangdong Toy Association, Guangzhou Li Tong Messe Frankfurt Co Ltd and Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.