Care Bears and Sims Team up

Electronic Arts and Firemonkeys Studio announce a partnership with Cloudco Entertainment-owned Care Bears and The Sims FreePlay. This Halloween, Grumpy, Share and Trick-Or-Sweet Bear arrive in SimTown for a mobile gaming experience that gives everyone the opportunity to celebrate the spookiest time of year with a focus on the importance of community. Two special events combine signature elements of pop culture, colour and diversity into irresistible outfits, build mode items and playful in-game events starting from 6 – 31 October 2020.
The Care Bears bring sunshine to SimTown, even when the world is feeling a little blue. Starting 6 October, the “Share Your Care” Live Event rewards players with exclusive in-game Grumpy Bear and Share Bear onesies complete with official belly badges, huggable plush toys, and live Care Bears that Sims can interact with. Sims’ homes resemble the Kingdom of Caring and are accessorized with bright rainbows and pastel coloured wallpaper, flooring, and window frames as well as heart-shaped decor. The event grand prize is a “Care-A-Lot” Community Centre, filled with items that can be placed on a player’s lot in their very own SimTown! The Care Bears-inspired architectural design is an impressive, magical building for respite and relaxation and inspires acts of kindness and goodwill across SimTown.
As Halloween nears, Trick-Or-Sweet Bear arrives to reward players with brand-new ghoulish decor for players to create their own garden graveyard and get ready for the spookiest time of year. Starting 16 October, make sure your Sims have decided on their costume and are ready to go trick-or-treating as they get seriously spooked in the upcoming event, “SimChase: Scare Bears”! Players can earn an exclusive in-game Trick-Or-Sweet onesie, plush toy and live Care Bear to complete their Care Bears collection. Other haunted rewards from the SimChase include a skeleton arbor, glow in the dark jack-o-lanterns filled with candy, bare branched trees, and other spooky decor!