Charmsters x Kicksbysammy launches on National Comfy Day

The Charmsters, the diversity-based animation brand rooted in joy, inclusivity, and girl empowerment announces their seventh Female Founder collaboration with Founder and Artist, Samantha Handler of KicksBySammy LLC, on “National Comfy Day.”
National Comfy Day inspires us to get comfortable, have a cozy day, and relax. The Charmsters x KicksBySammy collaboration inspired a snuggly blanket with hand drawn designs by Sammy, herself, inspired by the DNA of The Charmsters. “We are excited to work with KicksBySammy especially after Samantha was featured in The Charmsters’ #iSeeMyself campaign,” says Founder, Emily Blumenthal, and Creative Director, Lindsay Kaye Lippman of Kanvas Brands who have been huge fans of the KBS brand for quite some time. “The creativity and joy of KicksBySammy tied in with an incredible and colorful blanket, lends itself to everything you would want for a brand that represents inclusion and representation.”
“As a young female entrepreneur, I relate to all six Charmsters with characteristics and positive, go-getter mind sets,” says Founder, Samantha Handler of KicksBySammy LLC. “The Charmsters x KicksBySammy mission’s align as we both want to embolden girls of all backgrounds with the belief that passion and hard work can make anything possible. Always remember to follow your dreams no matter how big or small!”