First Pitchers Announced for the Brands & Retail UK Summer Conference

Ryan Beaird, Event Director of Brands & Retail UK conference has announced the first confirmed Brands for the Summer conference taking place at the British Library (London) on Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th July 22.
TeamGB – (Day 1 and Day 2)
The Victoria and Albert Museum – (Day 1)
Mattel – (Day 2)
Paramount – (Day 1 and Day 2)
Acamar Films – (Day 2)
Kelebek Media – (Day 2)
MGA Entertainment – (Day 2)
Penguin Ventures – (Day 2)
Warhammer – (Day 2)
With only Twelve 15-minute pitching slots left for Day One (6th July) for Lifestyle, Commercial, Heritage, Charity and Sports brands and only Seven 15-minute pitching slots left for the Character and Gaming brands on Day Two (7th July), slots are limited.
If you are already a Licensee or Retailer of any the brands please email to pre-register as the capacity is limited to 200 seats on both days. As a reminder the conference is FREE and you can have up to three members of staff attend from your company.
“The B&RUK Winter conference that took place on the 24th February 22 at the British Library was a huge success. With over 200 key executive representatives from Brands, Licensees and Retailers attending, the feedback from the audience on the format and the quality of the screenings was all positive. I’m excited the summer conference is now really taking shape.
The Winter conference sold out in weeks of being announced and I was operating a reserve list so knew we could expand the conference into two days for the summer which must mean I’m doing something right for the industry.
Licensees who attended the 24th February conference are already pre-registering for both Days, One and Two, and I am speaking with the main UK Retailers about them bringing their wider buying teams and building the retail side of the audience.
Brands & Retail UK conferences are only open to Licensees and Retailers and to watch the screenings and presentations you will need to sign a conference NDA and will be vetted for attendance.
I am also finalising the closing Summer Terrace Party which will be up on the British Library terrace from 5pm on the 7th July and will only be open to the Licensees and Retailers attending both days and the brands taking part.
With capacity for 200 people on the terrace it will be a great place to do business after watching the great screenings and presentations during the day,” comments Ryan Beaird.
If you wish to book a remaining pitching slot please email Ryan Beaird and if you are a Retailer or Licensee and wish to reserve your seats now you can do so by reaching out.
Website: www.BrandsRetail.uk – Contact Event Director: Ryan.Beaird@BrandsRetail.uk