New issues of Total Licensing, Total Brand Licensing and Total Licensing China

The May issues of Total Licensing, Total Brand Licensing and Total Licensing China are now available to read online. To help readers keep up to date on licensing activities around the world during these turbulent times, these issues are published over and above our summer issues which will be published in August.
Total Licensing includes features on how the industry is fighting the effects of the pandemic, insights into viewing habits of children, gaming, retail opinions, how Russia is coping with lockdown and a number of profiles, views and comments.
Total Brand Licensing includes news from the world of brands, an interview with Caprice on how she is expanding her licensing program, how travel brands are coping with the pandemic and a number of profiles and commentaries on subjects important in today’s environment.
Total Licensing China, as always in English and Mandarin, includes interviews, property and company profiles, market analyses and commentary and much more.
We hope you enjoy the magazines and find them helpful during these strange times. To read the issues, simply click on the relevant link below:
Total Licensing: https://issuu.com/totallicensing/docs/total_licensing_may_2020?fr=sYmYwNTk5MzM4Nw
Total Brand Licensing:
Total Licensing China: