Oscar India teach kids about washing hands

James Driscoll and Rob Lee, the team behind the latest preschool children’s animated cartoon PC Oscar Harrison and PC India Summers have announced the arrival of the town’s radio station – Birchester FM. The radio station’s DJ, drawn by Rob Lee, is Cans Collins.
Jim Driscoll of The Shoe People fame and Rob Lee, co-creator of Fireman Sam will use the radio station for fun filled broadcasts and more importantly, keep safe warnings to children from road safety to stranger danger.
The first of these broadcasts now ready for release is related to the Coronavirus Pandemic now sweeping the World. The message is in the form of a song, teaching children how to wash their hands.
The voice of the DJ ‘Cans Collins’ _is that of Award-Winning BBC Hereford & Worcester Radio presenter, Malcolm Boyden.
Commenting, Jim said, “Malcolm has done a fantastic job for which we are extremely grateful. ‘Cans is fast becoming a star, soon to be a kids cool hero.
Stourbridge based studio Create A Scene is responsible for the pre and postproduction of the series, including the music and voices. Owner Lee Garrett is the voice of Oscar and has recorded the song, released today.
Jaya Kumar, CEO of Toonz Media Group, India, producers of the cartoon series, has agreed to help digitally distribute Wash Your Hands, Worldwide.
“I am delighted to be involved and to be able assist Jim, Rob and Lee with this very important campaign. This message to all our children deals with the most serious health crisis of our time and we are here to help” said Jaya from India.