Tomy Australia and Create A Castle Ink Distribution Deal

TOTY award-winning Create A Castle has signed an agreement with TOMY Australia in which the firm’s line of innovative sand castle construction sets will be distributed in Australia for the upcoming Christmas season.
“We’re excited to be partnering with the team at Create A Castle, especially since building sand castles is one of the iconic pastimes for so many Australian parents and their children,” stated Mark Robertson, Managing Director, TOMY Australia,
“and the unique attractions of their range of products will help create even more fun and memorable moments as they build professional looking sand castles with these detailed sculpting playsets.”
“When we introduced our first product four years ago, it was with the hope that our breakthrough idea would resonate in the USA,” noted Kevin and Laurie Lane, Co-Owners of Create A Castle, “and that hope was soon realized with accolades and sales.”
“Of course, that same hope extended to making Create A Castle an international success,” they concluded. “and this distribution agreement with TOMY Australia is a major step in that direction.”